Sweden is among the world leaders in higher education and some of the country’s reputation is due to the independent studies system that involves less teacher-led time and more group and independent study. In other words, higher education in Sweden is based on self-development coupled with “freedom and responsibility”.

The number of international students enrolled in the universities of Sweden is constantly growing and the percentage of those who are admitted is above half. So, studying in Sweden could be a really attractive option. But before you head to your application, you should know more about all of the financial aspects of studying and living in Sweden.

The popular Swedish expression goes, “Världen kommer till Sverige.: (Translation: “The world comes to Sweden.”) This sentiment holds true across the entire population, particularly when it comes to higher education and international students. New marketing efforts and a government push indicate that Sweden will increasingly gain traction as a popular international study destination.

5 Reasons to Study in Sweden

1. Europe’s Finest : Lauded for rigorous yet well-designed curricula, Sweden’s academic institutions consistently claim top rankings — both in Europe and internationally.

2. A Job Market Edge : Swedish degrees are internationally prized — particularly in the areas of business and technology. In fact, many foreign students who choose to study in Sweden do so largely because of the career opportunities that await them when they graduate.

3. Language Matters : While undergraduate courses are taught in Swedish, English is on the rise in master’s level courses. In fact, of all of Europe, Sweden comes out ahead of nearly all other European countries when it comes to English-taught master’s offerings.

4. STEM Supremacy : A renewed government commitment to the STEM sector gives engineering students new access to a Swedish education. How much so? By 2018, approximately 1,600 new civil engineering spaces will open for students and the country is also revving up its investment in the life sciences.

5. Scholarships Abound : While the foreign student enrollments took a temporary hit following reforms implementing new tuition fees, the gap is closing thanks to a rise in the availability of academic scholarships. The country’s desire to engage foreign students and enhance internationalism and research mobility is also exemplified by extensive marketing campaigns to universities all over the world.

Bonus: life is international student-friendly

So Sweden is green, creative, equal and open. What else should you know before you decide to study here?

  • Everyone speaks English – Sweden regularly ranks as one of the top countries in the world for non-native speakers of English. That means you don’t have to speak any Swedish to study here.
  • Public transport is widespread, and it works. Sweden’s extensive network of buses, trains, subways, trams, boats, planes and more can take you anywhere you want to go, car-free.
  • International students can work in Sweden. Though your studies are your number-one priority, there’s no legal limit to the amount of hours international  students can work during their studies. After completing your studies, you can apply to extend your residence permit to look for work for up to six months. (If you do want to work, learning Swedish is important – it’s often a requirement for jobs).
  • Sweden is clean and safe, and the standard of living is high.